HTHG Client Honeydew Farms, LLC Holds Most State Cannabis Cultivation Licenses (1/15/18)

A recent survey (available here) found that as of January 15, 2018, Harrison, Temblador, Hungerford & Guernsey client Honeydew Farms, LLC holds the most cultivation licenses in the state. Honeydew Farms, LLC, which is based in Humboldt County, is one of 15 companies that currently hold nearly 10 percent of all state licenses. The firm has advised Honeydew Farms, LLC on obtaining local permits, state licensure, and related environmental and other regulatory requirements.

Honeydew Farms, LLC was also recently featured on the January 2, 2018 episode of CNBC's "The Profit" (full episode available here).

Update: Honeydew Farms, LLC featured again as among top license-holders in the state. Sacramento Business Journal.